Legacy Resource Roundup

Old-Fashioned Will And Testament“But wait…don’t you organize closets, and kitchens, and offices and such?” Yes, I do…or, at least I did for 17 years… but my interest in organizing for illness, death, emergencies, keepsakes, downsizing, inventories, family history, photos, and legacies is nothing new.

Here are some resources I’ve gathered for you, in the following categories, to help you navigate this sometimes uncomfortable territory:

Please let me know if you find something here that helps you!

And, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask!


Start a conversation with your family

Declutter, downsize & organize your (or your loved ones’) stuff

Preserve your family history

Organize your photos

Organize your estate paperwork

Create a will (or two)

Plan to age & die with dignity (including obituaries and funerals)

What to do when someone else dies

A combination of all of the previous topics

  • Organizing for Your Legacy — February 2018 Professional Organizers Blog Carnival (POBC) – sage advice from many of my colleagues — this edition of POBC was sponsored by Org4life!