What’s a Photo Without the Story?

At last, a clear, easy to read, and engaging book that will help you uncover the stories hiding in your family photo collection. Hazel brings to life her own stories and takes the mystery out of genealogy research. This book is an excellent resource for anyone ready to tackle this project and meets the promise Hazel makes in her introduction: “I’ve never met a person who didn’t have a story worth telling. Everyone has a story, and this book will help you tell yours!”

Cathi Nelson — CEO / Founder of The Photo Managers

Book cover: What's a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy
Back book cover: What's a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy
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​Who is this book for?

Read more about the book and why it just may be perfect for you; for a client; or for the historian, genealogist, photo keeper, or storyteller in your family.

​Dear Readers

Here's the story of how ​this book
c​ame to be​.

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Think you don’t have stories to tell?

Of course, you do. Everyone does!

In this book you will learn how to:

Tell your family stories

Enhance your stories by adding photos and details

Leave a legacy, not a burden

Identify mystery photos

Investigate family legends

Dig deeper & climb higher on your family tree

Do as much or as little as you like!

Each section includes activity choices:

Low effort (Do this if nothing else.)

Medium effort (Your family will thank you.)

High effort (Ask for help if you need it.)