Genealogy Resource Roundup

My own 4-generation pedigree chart. And my paternal grandparents. Aren’t they cute?

Are you ready to explore your family history?

Here are some resources I’ve gathered for you, in the following categories, to help you get started:

This list is by no means exhaustive!  (I also don’t want to overwhelm you.) It’s mostly a list of websites and tools I use myself. (If you want exhaustive, check out Cyndi’s List below.)

Please let me know if you find something here that helps you!

And, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask!

Org4life Blog Posts

Software for Your Computer

There are lots more perfectly good programs, but those two are very popular and they both sync with Ancestry.

Free Research & Resource Websites

Me (left) with genealogy rock star Cyndi Ingle. I have used  Cyndi’s List since its inception in 1996, and got to meet her in person when she came to visit the New Mexico Genealogical Society a few years ago.

Subscription Research Websites

Check your local library for limited versions of these sites, which you may be able to use for free online or in person.

Many research websites such as Ancestry and Family Search offer paid help.

Tools & Forms

Part 3 — Dig Deeper & Climb Higher — is all about genealogy!


Blogs (other people’s)



Facebook Groups

  • The Genealogy Squad — George G. Morgan & Drew Smith (The Genealogy Guys), Cyndi Ingle (Cyndi’s List), Cari A. Taplin (Genealogy Pants)

(There are Facebook groups for almost every ethnicity, religion, surname, timeframe, and location you can imagine. Just search for them!)




There are way too many to list! But at the least you should know about…

Your local library might have a genealogy section. Mine has an entire floor!

DIY Family Website