Emergency Preparedness Resource Roundup

September is National Preparedness Month.

But disaster could strike at any time.

Are you ready?

Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and fires can, indeed, be considered emergencies. But there are lots of other life events you can be prepared for, all year long, like lost wallets, household repairs, computer crashes, and long-term illness, just to name a few.

In which ways are you prepared? Which areas need some work?

Here are some resources I’ve gathered for you, in the following categories:

  • Preparation
  • In Case of Emergency
  • Recovery
  • Find An Organizer Near You
  • While we’re at it…

Please let me know if you find something here that helps you!

And, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask!

(There’s a search box on my blog.)



In case of emergency


Find an organizer near you

While we’re at it….