The Value of Organizing Outweighs the Cost

Have you ever wondered who, exactly, hires a professional organizer? Are my clients all rich? A few are, yes, but mostly they’re not. Not at all. What do they all have in common? They are ready to make changes; they are willing to invest in themselves (and/or their home, work, and relationships); and they recognize that the value of organizing far exceeds the cost of getting organized.

Clutter has its own costs. Sometimes it comes in the form of actual money lost, or an absence of money gained. Sometimes the costs are less tangible, but they are still very real. Similarly, organizing has tangible and intangible value. Here are some examples:

The Cost of Clutter

  • stressful environment
  • time spent looking for things
  • paying for extra storage space
  • embarrassment
  • buying replacements for lost items
  • late fees on bills and taxes
  • lost tickets and gift certificates
  • missed opportunities
  • family conflict

The Value of Organizing

  • less stress
  • more time
  • extra money
  • pride in your space
  • greater self esteem
  • on-time payments
  • increased productivity
  • freedom to pursue your goals
  • household harmony

What other examples can you think of?

How much is your clutter costing you?

Can you really afford not to get organized?

Copyright 2005-2012 by Hazel Thornton, Organized For Life.
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