Just For Fun

What do you mean, no top sheet?

By Hazel Thornton | July 21, 2024 |

                        Today I’d like to discuss something of utmost importance; something that impacts all of us on a daily basis: bedding. (Ha ha, but also true.) How I grew up doing it If you are like me, you grew up with your bedding assembled…


17 Reasons Why They Haven’t Replied to Your Email (and what to do about it)

By Hazel Thornton | December 14, 2020 |

I often hear people bemoan the fact that someone has not replied to their email. They assume the other person is purposely avoiding them. What?! Sure, it’s possible that they are snubbing you. But it’s far more likely that their lack of response has nothing to do with you in any way. Don’t take it…


Org4life: Puzzles & Games

By Hazel Thornton | May 18, 2020 |

Do you enjoy puzzles and games? If so, great! If not so much, allow me to remind you how many different types of puzzles there are! To name just a few: Logic Puzzles Math Puzzles Word puzzles Riddles Brainteasers Jigsaw puzzles Here’s a list of related Org4life blog posts, and the current status of my…


Org4life’s 15 Best Blog Posts Ever

By Hazel Thornton | January 27, 2020 |

As part of my celebration of 15 years in the organizing biz, I’ve put together this list of my 15 best blog posts for you. (Oops, I already couldn’t resist sneaking an extra one in with a link!) What makes a blog post one of my “best”? Well, I chose them all for different reasons,…


More Cooking for Dummies: 12 Things I’ve Learned

By Hazel Thornton | July 10, 2016 |

Remember, I am not a cook. Or, well…maybe I am now? I have stripped fresh rosemary leaves off the stem, butterflied chicken breasts, whipped up pan sauces, cooked green beans in a frying pan and steak in the oven, made my own condiments (aioli, teriyaki sauce), and performed many other culinary feats. I can see…


10 Silly Things Organizers Argue About

By Hazel Thornton | June 10, 2016 |

When professional organizers argue, it’s often just a matter of semantics. And when I say argue….well, that’s just semantics too. Disagree and misunderstand might be more accurate terms. We are, mostly, a congenial and supportive bunch! Sometimes we don’t even truly disagree, but we’re playing devil’s advocate; or exploring a new twist on an old…


Top 10 Org4life Blog Posts of 2015

By Hazel Thornton | December 31, 2015 |

Here is a roundup of my top 10 blog posts of 2015:


Could You Live in a Tiny House?

By Hazel Thornton | October 23, 2015 |

One upon a time, when I was a poor, starving, college student, I lived in a tiny house (small t, small h), which is not the same as living in an adorable Tiny House. Have you seen them? Tiny Houses are usually no more than 400 sq. ft, often hand-built, craftsman-style, sometimes on wheels, and…


Let’s Play Organizing & Productivity Bingo!

By Hazel Thornton | September 16, 2015 |

      Ever wonder how organized and productive you really are? Not sure if you need to hire a professional organizer? Ready for a fun new way to test your skills? Let’s play Organizing & Productivity Bingo!  


My Best College Dorm Room Tips are…um, Geralin Thomas’s

By Hazel Thornton | August 6, 2014 |

I don’t work a lot with students. But, last year I re-pinned something awesome I found on Pinterest, created by my colleague Geralin Thomas, owner of Metropolitan Organizing. It was a post called Setting Up a College Dorm Room. Ironically…sadly…frustratingly, it has become MY SINGLE MOST OFTEN re-posted pin! (Sigh…of all the other things I’ve…