I’ve had a lot of medical appointments lately. To a degree, I think it goes with the territory of getting older. But also, some people really do have more to keep track of than others. When the topic of doctors comes up and I say, “I have a spreadsheet,” I get one of three reactions:…
Read more...Call it what you will — The Law of Circulation, Feng Shui, The Principle-of-Not-Getting-Your-Lights-Turned-Off-Because-You-Forgot-to-Pay-the-Bill — money ebbs and flows and takes on a life of its own. Managing money is like raising children who act up, demanding negative attention if they aren’t getting enough positive attention. Whether you think…
Read more...Do you have trouble saying no? A client told me about a situation in which she couldn’t bring herself to say no. The details are unimportant. We’ve all been there. In the end, she told a “white lie” rather than admit she didn’t want to do a favor for a friend. (A favor which, by…
Read more...I recently came across a TikTok post about an Instacart grocery delivery mix-up. The comments about this and other mix-ups were hilarious, and I could identify with many of them. But I also started noticing examples that made me think, “Well…I know how that happened, and I don’t think it was the Instacart shopper’s fault!”…
Read more...A senior coworker once gave me a great piece of advice early in my corporate career. I was feeling overwhelmed and whiny about all the projects I had been assigned. I was paralyzed with indecision about what to work on next. What was his advice? Finish something.
Read more...Looking for a new, fun way to get clutter-free in ’23? Inn-tro-du-cingg…(drumroll, please)…the long-awaited release of my latest project: Go With the Flow! The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook
Read more...14 Feb 2023 UPDATE: Look! KC and Alison together on a podcast episode: Gentle Organizing with Alison Lush. (It’s KC’s podcast, with Alison as her guest, and this episode was posted on Oct. 17, 2022, two weeks after my blog post was originally published, but I just found out about it today.) Also, KC has…
Read more...My next book probably won’t be ready by Thanksgiving after all, which has been my goal all year long. However, one of my motivations for choosing that deadline was so it would be available for holiday gift-giving. And it finally occurred to me: This book would make a terrible gift! (Unless, of course,…
Read more...I was just scheduling a couple of questions on my calendar when I wondered: Do other people do this?
Read more...Do you have a junk drawer? Doesn’t everyone? Most professional organizers will advise you not to have a junk drawer, or to at least organize the one you have. But I’m here to propose that we all need TWO junk drawers! Allow me to explain….
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