What I Know For Sure: Oprah Really Gets It!

I am grateful to Oprah Winfrey for introducing professional organizers Julie Morgenstern and Peter Walsh to the world at large. She increased awareness of the benefits of getting organized, paving the way for organizers like me to help others and make a living doing what we love. I originally wrote this in 2011, about what has become O Magazine’s annual De-Clutter Your Life! issue:

Today I was reading the March issue of O Magazine, the one with the yellow banner proclaiming, “De-Clutter Your Life! Say goodbye to the stuff that’s weighing you down!”

The last page in every issue is always Oprah’s own short essay, “What I Know For Sure”.

I’m thinking she must have seen my Organized For Life egret-taking-flight logo, and read my tag line,”Less clutter. More life.” More likely, she probably just has the same feeling I do about clutter.

Here’s what she wrote:

This I know: More things don’t make you feel more alive.

Yet feeling more alive is part of fulfilling your true self. It’s the reason we’re all here.

Enough already with the stuff that doesn’t enhance who you really are.

I want to be lean and clean for the future, dust off my wings.

I know for sure that doing so will make it easier to fly.

— Oprah Winfrey

Here’s what I know for sure: Oprah really gets it!

Copyright 2011-2014 by Hazel Thornton, Organized For Life.
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Hazel's Books

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Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)

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