How Can Less be More?
I have always struggled with the phrase “Less is more.” I suppose I have taken it a bit too literally, thinking, “Less is NOT more. Less is BETTER, in many cases, but it’s not MORE, so why would anyone say that? “
But now, from an organizing perspective, I understand the phrase to mean that the less stuff you have, and the more organized it is, the more easily you can find it, make use of it, and enjoy it. Having access to more of your stuff is better than literally having more stuff buried under other stuff that you don’t even remember you have… right?
LESS stuff makes you MORE grateful for what you have. Share on X
Here are some specific examples:
- LESS clothing means your closet isn’t as crammed full, which makes it easier to see what your choices are and easier to put together outfits, resulting in, actually, MORE to wear!
- LESS (fewer) toys, and large-enough, labeled containers, makes them easier to organize and put away, enabling your kids to more easily see what their choices are, resulting in what seems like MORE toys to play with.
- LESS household clutter to distract your eye means you can notice and appreciate MORE of your special collections, artwork, and keepsakes.
- LESS clutter on your desk means you can focus MORE on the task at hand.
- LESS (fewer) items on your Daily To-Do List, chosen from your Master To-Do List, means you can focus on just those tasks and feel MORE of a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day.
- LESS stress means you can focus your attention on MORE of the things you want to accomplish and enjoy doing.
- LESS stuff makes you MORE grateful for what you have.
Less clutter. More life. Hmm…this has been my business tag line since 2004. Guess I really knew it all along!
What examples can YOU think of? Please share in the comments below!
Copyright 2012-2015 by Hazel Thornton, Organized For Life.
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This piece really hit home. Amen to “less is more”! Honestly, it’s true. My husband and I decided to simplify our apartment this summer, and it took A LOT more work than either of us had anticipated. It was well worth the physical and emotional strain, and struggle, though. We are now reaping the rewards and loving our streamlined space.
The most difficult part was separating ourselves from the material bondage, so to speak. We are all tied – in some way – to our possessions and only once we were able to simply see the objects for what they were (aka things), could we begin the categorization process of either TRASH or TREASURE.
Erica, you are so right. Glad you found it was worth the effort!
Less food on your plate means more energy because you don’t get that bloated sleepy feeling after your meal.
Good one, Janet, thanks!
I love all the examples you give in this post Hazel! I often use this phrase as well but I tend to just focus on the less stuff part of it… not the more life part. Thank you for sharing this perspective!
I’m glad you liked my examples, Hilda! Thanks for commenting. Odd as it may seem, my realization at the end (that I knew it all along, since it’s reflected in my tag line, which I created, after all) was a true surprise to me!
I can’t think of any – I think you covered them all beautifully! My favorite was Less clutter, more life. That is so very true!! Great post 🙂
Me too, Liana! That’s one thing (my tag line) that I’ve never wanted to change since I came up with it. Thanks for stopping by my blog!