Give Yourself Permission!

Traffic light on green - go sign

Green means go! Do it! You have permission!

For the most part, my job is pretty much as you’d expect:  I help people declutter their homes, offices, and schedules; recommend organizing systems and products; rearrange furniture, accessories and artwork; stuff like that.

But there have only been a few clients who haven’t needed my permission to do one thing or another. Like what? Like to hire a cleaning company once a month. To get rid of the vase/dress/painting that they just told me they hated. To relax with a good book. To take time for exercise. To spend a little money on themselves. To spend time enjoying a favorite hobby. To quit a committee or two. To (gasp!) watch a little TV now and then.

Lest you think they don’t really need MY permission, you should see their faces melt with relief once I’ve given it! We may have discussed all the pros and cons we can think of and then, still sensing inexplicable resistance to something they clearly want to do, it will (finally) occur to me to say, “Oh! Do you need permission to do this? Well, you’ve got it!”

My clients often view their desires as selfish. I, on the other hand, have always subscribed to the “airline oxygen mask theory” of selfishness: In cases of emergency, if you don’t put the oxygen mask on YOURSELF first, you won’t be ABLE to help anyone else with theirs! And why wait for an emergency? Give yourself permission to take care of yourself!

Give yourself permission to take care of yourself! Share on X

What do YOU need permission for? Please share in the comments below!

If it supports your priorities and goals, and there is room for it in your time, money, and energy budgets, chances are excellent that I’ll give it to you!

Better yet….give YOURSELF permission….you’re worth it!

If you need help determining your priorities and goals, and giving yourself permission, just give me a call.

Copyright 2011-2016 by Hazel Thornton, Organized For Life.
Social media links directly to this page are encouraged!
Please contact me for other types of reprint permission.


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  1. Twila Donaldson on August 20, 2011 at 9:42 am

    I’ve signed up to receive your comments …. I think!!!

  2. Andi Willis on February 20, 2016 at 8:17 am

    Granting someone permission to do something they feel guilty about or ambivalent about is so powerful. I love your airline oxygen mask idea. By taking care of ourselves, we can better take care of others. Thanks for sharing!

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