My Best College Dorm Room Tips are…um, Geralin Thomas’s
I don’t work a lot with students. But, last year I re-pinned something awesome I found on Pinterest, created by my colleague Geralin Thomas, owner of Metropolitan Organizing.
It was a post called Setting Up a College Dorm Room.
Ironically…sadly…frustratingly, it has become MY SINGLE MOST OFTEN re-posted pin! (Sigh…of all the other things I’ve created myself and posted…) So, I’m just saying, that’s how I know that college students LOVE THESE IDEAS!!!!!!
Her post includes printable shopping/packing college dorm room lists for the following categories: Toolkit for Parents, Cleaning Supplies, Electronics, Furniture + Accessories, Desk, and Personal. It is based on her personal experience as the mom of a college student.
While I’m at it…(sigh)…here is Geralin’s latest post: 12 Important To-Dos Before Heading To College. It includes another fabulous printable checklist.
Thanks Geralin…!?
Copyright 2014 by Hazel Thornton, Organized For Life.
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Thanks for sharing. Thanks for caring. Thanks for making me laugh!
You make me laugh, too, Geralin! My readers and I appreciate your great college tips.
You both make me laugh! I was about to say “I feel your pain” because my most frequently repinned pin isn’t what I’d have hoped for either, but at least it’s to an article I wrote and had fun researching, even if it’s not on my own blog. I guess it proves that there’s value in guest blogging!
Thanks for sharing the pain, Janet! 🙂 This is a departure for me…I usually only share other people’s stuff in social media, not on my own blog. It’s a guest blog for Geralin, of sorts.