I Can See Clearly Now…Can You?
I was driving to a business networking luncheon, admiring the blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and Sandia mountains with my brand new eyes (post cataract surgery), singing the old Johnny Nash song (“I can see clearly now the rain is gone…”), and it occurred to me that cataracts are just another form of clutter.
A cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye which leads to a decrease in vision.
During this past year, as I waited for my cataracts to get bad enough to qualify for removal, I became increasingly aware of them, and frustrated with practically every aspect of my life. Not only could I not see clearly, but my energy was also waning. I found myself thinking a lot about, and empathizing with, elderly people who can no longer see to do much, or hear very well, or get around without help, and who gradually withdraw from life altogether. Sigh…
I wondered: What’s wrong with me? Am I not sleeping enough? Not exercising enough? Not eating right? Depressed? All of the above? Or…will things really change for me once I’ve had my cataracts removed, like I think and hope they will?
Now that I can see clearly again, I am, indeed, able to focus again (pun intended) on the important things in my life – including eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep!
My clients report similar results after decluttering their homes, offices, and schedules: “I feel 10 lbs. lighter!”, “I feel re-energized and re-focused on my business!”, “I am no longer ashamed for others to see my space!”, “I have time now to do the things I want to do!” Once the things that don’t matter are removed, they are able to find/use/enjoy the things that they have decided to keep.
I have written about all sorts of clutter – stuff, activities, emotions, etc. Clutter is anything that stands in the way of living the life you want to live. And clutter can cause you to not be able to see clearly, both literally and figuratively.
What type of clutter do you need to remove from your life in order to “see more clearly”? Please share in the comments below! And please call me if you’d like some help decluttering.
Copyright 2014 by Hazel Thornton, Organized For Life.
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Congratulations Hazel! This is such an interesting article and I love the analogy about how clutter causes visual cloudiness. So right-on!
Thank you, Sheila!