Hazel Thornton

What is Your Clutter Costing You?

By Hazel Thornton | January 27, 2014 |

You know you have clutter. We all do, in one form or another, and to varying degrees. But have you ever thought about what it is costing you? Sometimes the cost is obvious, such as late fees incurred for an overdue bill that was lost in a mystery pile of paper, or that you couldn’t…


How to Be an Introverted Houseguest or Host Without Driving Each Other Crazy

By Hazel Thornton | January 16, 2014 |

Benjamin Franklin wasn’t kidding when he wrote, in Poor Richard’s Almanac, “Fish and visitors smell in three days.” Especially if you are an introvert and live alone 99% of the time. Even when the guest is your best friend of forty years.


The Gift of Organizing…? (Q&A)

By Hazel Thornton | December 12, 2013 |

The gift of organizing is just like any other gift: It could be just what the recipient wanted…or, well, not so much! ORGANIZING GADGETS Q: Should I give my loved one a new organizing gadget or container as a gift?


Don’t Forget the 7 Ps!

By Hazel Thornton | August 31, 2013 |

Have you ever thought about what you would take if you had to pack up and leave your home in a hurry? I posed that question to my Org4life News readers a couple of summers ago during one of our particularly bad fire seasons here in New Mexico. Brenda K. had just evacuated her home…


The Original Pack-Rat?

By Hazel Thornton | August 31, 2013 |

My Placitas, NM client and I had spent hours cleaning out her garage, which was largely full of recyclables. We packed them into her pick-up truck, covered them with a tarp, and tied them down. All set to go to the recycle center! Except… the truck wouldn’t start. She fiddled around for a minute and…


Is Facebook a Godsend to Introverts?

By Hazel Thornton | August 28, 2013 |

My new theory, triggered by yet another post about introverts in my news feed, is that Facebook (FB) is dominated by introverts. And that all those little-used and abandoned social media accounts belong to extroverts who can’t be bothered with sitting alone in front of a computer, and who would rather be out having face-to-face…


How to Save the Awesome Things You Find on Facebook Without Cluttering Your Friends’ News Feeds

By Hazel Thornton | July 4, 2013 |

I’ve noticed a rash of disclaimers in my friends’ Facebook posts lately: “I am sharing this so that I’ll be able to find it on my Timeline later.” Indeed, many pages encourage you to share their posts…because it gives them greater exposure! But it’s not the only way to save recipes and such.  Just to…


Getting Things Done (GTD)

By Hazel Thornton | June 4, 2013 |

Have you ever procrastinated doing something because you were afraid it might take a long time,  or lead to even more work, or make your brain hurt? And then, when you finally did it, it was easier and faster than you thought it would be, and you wondered, “Why didn’t I do that sooner?” I…


Have a Garage Sale…If You Must

By Hazel Thornton | June 3, 2013 |

Love ’em or hate ’em, garage sales (yard sales, tag sales, whatever you call them) are here to stay. Here’s why I hate ’em:


Clear Your Mind and Get it All Done… Sooner or Later

By Hazel Thornton | May 21, 2013 |

I know how to get stuff done, and I can teach you how, too. I have tools and systems for all the stages of workflow (collect, process, organize, review and do). I have an inbox and project lists which I clear and review weekly. I say no to activities that don’t support my goals and…