
Embrace the Clutter!

By Hazel Thornton | July 18, 2016 |

Embrace the clutter! Why on earth would I, a professional organizer, say such a thing? Well, think about it. What’s the opposite of embracing something? Fearing it? Ignoring it? Avoiding it? Doesn’t it seem like anything you fear, ignore, or avoid persists? It doesn’t go away, it just nags at you. Doesn’t it? Maybe not…


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Hazel's Books

Book cover: What's a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

What’s a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

Cover of "Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)"

Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)

Cover of "Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror"

Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror
