odd couple

Clutter Counseling: Are You an Odd Couple?

By Hazel Thornton | February 11, 2019 |

Are you and your spouse, or partner, or roommate, like Oscar and Felix, of The Odd Couple? (Are you old enough to know what I’m talking about?) Do you need Clutter Counseling? I am not a marriage counselor (or a psychic, or a magician), but I am sometimes called upon to mediate disputes as to what…


Busting the Top 10 Organizing Myths

By Hazel Thornton | October 10, 2015 |

As part of my 10-year celebration of being in the organizing business, I thought I’d revisit this old blog post and see if I still agreed with myself. I do. Don’t believe everything you think!  Here are the top 10 organizing myths, along with the truth and some helpful links to related blog posts and …