Looking for a new, fun way to get clutter-free in ’23? Inn-tro-du-cingg…(drumroll, please)…the long-awaited release of my latest project: Go With the Flow! The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook
Read more...Have you inherited keepsakes you don’t know what to do with? I can’t tell you how many of my clients have had a garage or storage unit full of stuff they inherited from a loved one. These items represent a mix of emotions – memories good and bad; guilt over secretly wanting to reclaim the…
Read more...My Placitas, NM client and I had spent hours cleaning out her garage, which was largely full of recyclables. We packed them into her pick-up truck, covered them with a tarp, and tied them down. All set to go to the recycle center! Except… the truck wouldn’t start. She fiddled around for a minute and…
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