
What do you mean, no top sheet?

By Hazel Thornton | July 21, 2024 |

                        Today I’d like to discuss something of utmost importance; something that impacts all of us on a daily basis: bedding. (Ha ha, but also true.) How I grew up doing it If you are like me, you grew up with your bedding assembled…


Backup Gratitude & Fridgescaping

By Hazel Thornton | June 30, 2024 |

What are you always grateful for, if nothing else? My friend Jane and I have been complaining to one another for over 50 years. But we also count our blessings. And sometimes, when things look bleak, and we can’t think of anything current to be grateful for, we have certain reliable backups, like each other…


Who will take care of us when we’re old?

By Hazel Thornton | June 16, 2024 |

Have you ever asked yourself: Who will take care of me when I’m old? Do you assume it will be your kids? (Which kids?) Do your kids also assume it will be them? Is that really what you all want? Do you even have kids? And what all is included in “taking care of you”,…


The AI Gold Rush

By Hazel Thornton | May 14, 2024 |

The storm clouds are clearing. (It’s a reference to my previous post, The rainbow after the storm.) I’ve been able to start spending less time doing what I have to do, and more time doing what I want to do. And what I want to do is to continue my genealogy research, write more stories…


The rainbow after the storm

By Hazel Thornton | April 22, 2024 |

It all started slowly and innocently enough, like the first drops of a rainstorm. I mean, it’s only natural for things in life to break sometimes, and need fixing and maintenance, right? Routine dental cleanings sometimes lead to fillings or reveal the need for root canals and crowns. It’s not just me. The older people…


Money Mondays: Are You Paying Your Money Enough Attention?

By Hazel Thornton | February 22, 2024 |

            Call it what you will — The Law of Circulation, Feng Shui, The Principle-of-Not-Getting-Your-Lights-Turned-Off-Because-You-Forgot-to-Pay-the-Bill — money ebbs and flows and takes on a life of its own. Managing money is like raising children who act up, demanding negative attention if they aren’t getting enough positive attention. Whether you think…


Witches in the Family

By Hazel Thornton | February 16, 2024 |

Yikes! Witches? Really? Well, suspected and accused in court, yes! Convicted and hanged, thankfully not! . The Connecticut Witch Trials You’ve no doubt heard about the Salem Witch Trials in 1692-3 Massachusetts. But what about the Connecticut Witch Trials that predated them by 30 years? Yeah, me neither. The Salem trials were more numerous and…


Menendez: 30 years ago

By Hazel Thornton | January 30, 2024 |

30 years ago this week, in late January 1994, both juries were declared hopelessly deadlocked in the first Menendez brothers murder trial. Who knew that 30 years later they would still be behind bars? Two Hung Juries I always say that Erik’s jury deliberated for a month — rather than reporting days or hours —…


Don’t forget to remember!

By Hazel Thornton | January 29, 2024 |

As a professional organizer it was part of my job to help people find ways to remember stuff: Where are my keys? Where does this go? How do I remember tasks? Why do I forget appointments? Why can I never find the remote? Together, we created solutions and systems ala takeaways #2, 8, 9 in…


Inspirational flow charts, graphics, and cartoons

By Hazel Thornton | January 22, 2024 |

If you know me at all, you know I love flow charts, graphics, and cartoons! I also love when people send them to me. I don’t care if they’re graphs, pie charts, or Venn diagrams. Sometimes I’ve seen them before, but you never know — what if I haven’t? Sharing on social media It’s been…


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Hazel's Books

Book cover: What's a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

What’s a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

Cover of "Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)"

Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)

Cover of "Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror"

Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror
