Clutter Flow Chart Testimonials

What people are saying about Clutter Flow Charts:

(Click Here to see testimonials about Go With The Flow! The Clutter-Clearing Tool Kit for an Organized Life)

Hazel, this looks terrific!

— Angela Wallace, CPO, Former NAPO President (R.I.P.)

(The Original) Clutter Flow Chart is easily understood by a wide variety of clients who find it visually appealing and motivating.

— Kit Anderson, CPO-CD, Past President, ICD

I am a visual learner and so many of our clients are as well. It is just another tool to add to our toolboxes in working with our clients! You rock, Hazel!

— Kat Jacoby, Professional Organizer

I LOVE the Clutter flow chart! It’s amazingly easy and fun, how very clever Hazel!

— Sheila Delson, CPO-CD®

Great tips!

— Deborah Smith, Cornerstone Interiors

This looks really useful!

— Jackie Spaulding, Org4life News subscriber

Awesome! Gentle and straightforward.

— Dori Gilbert, Market Strategist

Great flow chart Hazel! The engineer in you is showing.

— Cathy Rypma-Dixon, Synergy Networking

Very nice chart, it really flows!

— Miriam Ortiz Y Pino, CPO

I absolutely love the charts…they make sense, are attractive, easy to follow, and have a bit of humor to boot!

— Sandy Dixon, The Staging Trainer

These are wonderful!!! My CD, hoarding and ADD clients love them!! I had them laminated and gave my clients the charts and a dry-erase marker. We go through the chart many times together, then they practice on their own. LOVE THEM!

— Kristi Meyer, Professional Organizer

I used the flow charts to purge, sort and organize before we moved!

— Elissa Chazdon, Client

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