Book Resource Roundup
Are you a reader? A lover of books? Are your shelves overflowing with them? Do you need more shelves, or…do you need, um, fewer books?
I find that books are the hardest category to purge for my clients who are readers. And I can totally relate! For the record, I don’t care how many books you have. But when never-dusted, never-touched books are crowding out space that’s desperately needed for normal day-to-day activities, it’s time to reconsider, don’t you agree?
Keep reading for some tips, some resources, and some just-for-fun stuff.
Are Your Bookshelves Full of Friends? Or Strangers and Houseguests?
“Friends, Acquaintances and Strangers” is a popular method of de-cluttering, introduced by Judith Kolberg in her book Conquering Chronic Disorganization.
This game can be played with any category of clutter, but I most often use it with clients whose bookshelves are overflowing. (Not to mention their floors and other surfaces.) Readers are loath to part with their precious books! And, as a reader myself, I can totally relate. But readers desire more space, and peaceful surroundings too. What to do?
(Click here to read the rest of this Org4life blog article)
5 Apps To Organize Your Books (blog post from Classically Organized)
Where to Donate Used Books — 10 Places to Start (article)
Albuquerque Friends for the Public Library Donation Guidelines
Please be aware that libraries have to PAY to have obsolete (and not collectible), dirty, torn, un-sellable books hauled off to recycling! Put them in your blue recycle bin (if you have one), or (in Albuquerque) take them to Master Fibers.
Buy – Sell – Trade:
What are your books worth? AbeBooks, BookFinder
How to Sell Your Books Online: on, on, on
Trading: PaperBack Swap
Best kept secret in Albuquerque: FPL Book Shop
Just for fun:
Do you feel guilty not finishing a book? (article)
Cat library (video)
10 Wonderful Libraries Repurposed from Unused Structures (photos)
Unique bookshelves (Google Images search results)
Book art (Google Images search results)